Saturday, October 10, 2009

Peace in the World!

Yeah...some people think that giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize was a little too premature...but I do think it is the global world giving us a message...and maybe if he is in office for 8 years...we really will see some hope, peace and change..spinning around the world...join us in wearing your true colors!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Off to the Farmer's Market!

The local health food store here is really into supporting local farmers and business sister went to sell her jewelry and they let me put out t-shirts in her booth..we got a lot of great feedback, although sales were slow....seems as we are not the only ones that would like to keep Obama around for awhile!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Really want to share the message!

The world is changing and we are moving towards a place wear young people's voices and those of women are being heard...look at what is happening in Iran!..crazy times because the school of old thoughts is being challenged...celebrate by wearing your true colors...our shirts are on sale until July 4th..just 12$..check them out at

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring is in the Air!

As I watch my daffodils and tulips come through the cold muddy soil, I just get excited by great it is to know that the opportunity to grow ones own food and walk lighter on the planet is just around the in Vermont we can't plant until Memorial Day Weekend...I am sure some of you have been following the digging up of the White House lawn to provide space for a White House Garden...something Mr. Bush was opposed to...let's hear it for keeping that change moving!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obama Craft Project

We continue to be inspired by the wave of energy that seems to be flowing through the world right now, as our new President tackles what was left behind by you know who...or as Robert Redford in this month's Sundance Catalog said " Our world, our country, can see new light, love and laughter as winter's villians and the horses they rode in on leave the scene"...

Check out this love the creative mind

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A vision of Hope

The purple of our logo is in the spirit of this blog... it is time for change and to put down our differences to make this a great planet to live for all..

Enjoy the festivities of Peace, Hope and Change today!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Jan. 20th is almost here!

We are so excited...Jan. 20th is almost just makes the way below zero temps that we have been having in Vermont just warm and toasty...We have gotten lots of positive feedback on our shirts and seems like other folks are feeling the same way we are in this crazy world we are living in..I will be heading out the 20th to watch the Ball with some great gals at my favorite knitting store... will be there in mind with the thousands heading down from here..

Here's to a great new beginning!